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Policy Regarding Medicare Issues

Providers affiliated with GoldCare are hyper-aware that the insurance industry, led by Medicare, is the single biggest reason we have lost so much medical freedom. Unfortunately, most Medicare patients themselves are unwittingly participating in causing their own lack of freedom. Part of our mission at GoldCareTM is to educate you on this subject, and we encourage you to sign up for our “Assurance” classes. We hope you learn how your personal participation is part of the problem and we certainly hope you decide to distance yourself as much as possible from Medicare.

GoldCare policy is that we will never work with government or insurance agencies, including Medicare, as we know it contradicts what is best for patients overall. We encourage you to comply with all rules and regulations that make sense to you - but we have no role to play in that arena. All outside services, such as lab or imaging tests and all prescriptions include a disclaimer to this effect. For these services, Medicare charges should not be submitted.  If you have any questions, please consult with your own advisors or do your own research including contacting Medicare.

We don’t take insurance. We take care of you.